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We did it!

We survived the craziest school year in history (I fact checked and we for sure won the title).

Homeschool to hybrid school to public school.  Throw in a cross country move and a couple of house changes and, whambam thank you ma'am, here we are.

Could I be prouder of Josie?

The answer is a really loud no.  She met each change and challenge head on and surpassed every goal we set for her.  Her new school has been a perfect fit for her.  Watching her become a tiny Lady Girl was beyond fun.  I met with her teacher on Wednesday and smiled from ear to ear (and teared up, which is becoming the norm for me) as she showed me the results of her reading and math testing.  The curve from January to May was a steady upswing.

Get ready 3rd Grade, Josie is coming for you.

Well, after her first real Summer break.

First, let's all take a minute to admire how flipping adorable Gabe is.

He also had major schooling changes and is doing awesome.  After some soul searching (dramatic interpretation of a 10 minute discussion with Andrew) we decided that he will keep going to Pre-K 2 or 3 days each week through the Summer.  It took 4 weeks of hard crying at drop off for him to adjust to going to school.  We don't want to undo that before Kindergarten.  He love, love, loves his teachers and is learning a ton, so we see no reason to pull him.  

And me?

I love where this past year took us.  It was humbling and challenging and, ultimately, entirely life altering.  Handing over teaching duties and putting on a working girl's hat (wait, that doesn't sound right...) has been the best choice I've made in a long time.  I love my job and feel like the schools we found have been exactly right for each child.  

I am looking forward to having Josie and Gabe home more (and no homework, whoop whoop!) for a few months.   We are starting the Summer out with an end of the year hoorah and a week long family fest.  It's going to be good.

Happy Summer Y'all!