
Squishy Face!

This is Josie's new favorite thing to do! We call it her squishy face! She is big on mimic games and copies the faces we make. She is so fun to play with right now!
Needless to say, we had a busy weekend. Friday night Andrew's aunt came to spend the night and help out with the boys, which was great! We'll take all the help we can get! I had Missy and the girls help all day on Saturday and we spent a lot of time playing outside. I am so glad we have a nice yard and no neighbors to worry about! The oldest boy, H, has really taken to Andrew. I don't think he has had much male attention in his life so he gets SO excited when Andrew asks him to help around the yard. On Saturday he helped Andrew fix the lawn mower, helped bring all the trash out to the barn and got to help cut the grass! Sunday Andrew let him "help" change the oil in my car. You would have thought Andrew took him to the moon! Sunday we went to church, in 2 cars since I can no longer fit all the children in my car! The boys were a little nervous being in a new church, but after some reassurance, they were OK with staying. They ended up having a great time! We spent the rest of the day at Andrew's Aunt and Uncle's house on the lake. The boys got to go on a boat ride and spend lots of time outside. None of them got a nap that day so I was pooped by the time we got home and so were they. So all the kids were in bed at 6:30! I love the time change, if it's dark, they think it's bedtime!
The boys are all so sweet. We have our moments when we are in desperate need of a break, but overall it is completely manageable. Well, we have a lot of help from Missy and the girls. I don't think I'd be as calm if it was just the two of us! Their whole situation breaks my heart. They have had to go through so much change and it just isn't fair that a 4 year old has to deal with all of this. I hate that Foster Care is even needed, but I am grateful to be able to help in some small way.
They started their new school today. It was a hard morning for them. They didn't quite understand why we were leaving them. It took all I had not to sit and cry with them. It's so different then with Josie who is too young to understand. All they know is last week they went to school and a strange lady picked them up, brought them to our house, and now they have to start a new school. I think they were worried that we wouldn't come back to get them. Ugh! It is so sad.
I wish I could post pictures, but if you want to see who you're praying for just email me and I'll send you some. They are gorgeous!
We're still not sure how fast they will be moving to their permanent home. For their sake, I hope it's soon. They are starting to adjust to how Andrew and I do things and I hate for them to be moved again right after they get used to us. At least we will still see them a lot when they do move. It's crazy how fast you can fall in love with 2 pair of blue eyes and 1 set of brown!